Mole Care is the Healthcare Group’s Mole and Skin lesion clinic.
Dr Ed Partridge runs the clinic. He is accredited in skin lesion management and has over a decade of experience in skin lesion diagnostics. He is also a member of the Guernsey skin cancer multidisciplinary team.
The clinic is available for anyone who has a skin lesion of concern or would like to have a full-body skin check.
Dr Partridge is also very proud to be able to offer full-body digital mole mapping. Mole Care has recently acquired the state-of-the-art laser-guided FotoFinder ATBM total body mole mapping system. FotoFinder is the favoured system of many top London Clinics and images the entire skin surface using artificial intelligence to identify any moles or skin lesions with features of concern.
Dr Partride runs his skin clinics on Tuesdays and Wednesdays mornings. Mole mapping requires a specific appointment, so please inform us if this is the service you need. If you want to be seen by Dr Partridge, please contact Rohais Surgery.
